Please reach out to me if you cannot find an answer to your question.
County/Township taxes are due on or before May 31st. If paid by March 31st there is a 2% discount. If paid after May 31st a 10% penalty will apply.
School taxes are due on or before October 31st. If paid by August 31st there is a 2% discount. If paid after October 31st a 10% penalty will apply.
All taxes not paid on or before December 31st will be sent to Montgomery County Tax Claim for collection.
County/township tax bills are mailed in early February. School tax bills are mailed in early July. If by the end of February or end of July you have not received your tax bill please contact me ASAP
Online: Tax payments can be paid online by clicking "pay online" at the top right corner of your screen. Mail: You can send a check to Joelle Kleinman, Tax Collector, PO Box 461, Flourtown PA 19031
Drop off: There is a mailbox outside of the tax collector's office in the Springfield Township Administration Building located at 1510 Paper Mill Rd, Wyndmoor
In person collection hours: In person collection hours and location are listed on this website. Please note, these hours are subject to change due to illness, weather or emergency.
Yes, you may pay online with a credit card using the "pay online" link in the top right corner of your screen. You may also pay by credit card during in person collection hours or over the phone. There is a 2.25% convenience fee for this service. You may also pay online by e-check, the fee for that service is $0.50.
No. For safety reasons, the tax collector does not accept cash.
While most mortgage companies will reach out for copies of the tax bills on your behalf, it is your responsibility to make sure they have received it. When you receive your tax bill, please make a copy for your records and forward it along to your mortgage company. Please be advised, duplicate tax bills are $10, so please make a copy before sending.
If you are paying in person, you will receive a receipt on the spot. If you are paying by mail or by dropping off at the Township Administration Building, please enclose a self addressed, stamped envelope with your payment and a receipt will be mailed to you. If you do not include a self addressed, stamped envelope no receipt will be provided. If you are paying online, a receipt will be emailed to you.
Duplicates of bills and receipts can be accessed online by clicking here. You will only be able to get a receipt if your bill has been paid. If your bill has not been paid, you will receive an unstamped copy of your bill. Duplicate bills and receipts are $10
If a due date falls on a weekend or holiday, the due date will be extended to the next business day.
The information on the tax bills comes from Montgomery County approximately 4-5 weeks before the bills are printed. Because of this delay it may not show the new owner's name. Regardless of who's name is on the bill, the owner of the property is responsible for payment. The bill goes with the house not the owner. You may cross out the incorrect name and mailing address and return it with your payment. You may also enclose a note or send me an email with the updated information.
Yes, however, if the payment is received after the due date and the postmark is illegible or is after the due date, the payment will be considered late. Postage meter stamps do not count as postmarks as they only prove the date the envelope was stamped NOT the date the letter was mailed. Please note, this does NOT apply to payments made at the end of the year. NO PAYMENTS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER DECEMBER 31 EVEN IF THEY ARE POSTMARKED DECEMBER 31. All payments received after December 31 will be returned and those taxes will be considered unpaid.
Montgomery county is responsible for for all assessments. If you require further information, please contact them at 610-278-3761.
If your property increases or decreases in value, you will receive an interim tax bill to cover the period that the change in value was effective. Your property may increase in value if you added an addition, pool, fireplace, central air, deck, or other renovation or alteration. Your property may decrease in value due to fire, water damage, exemption, assessment appeal, etc. If you receive an interim bill, you may send it to your mortgage company or you may pay it directly and notify your mortgage company that your taxes increased.
Yes, you can your use bank's bill pay service although it is not recommended. Your bank's bill pay service prints out a physical check and mails it to me the same way you would. The difference is, you do not have control over when it leaves the bank's hands and these payments come without postmarks. If you are close to a deadline you run the risk of the bank's processing time being longer than anticipated and missing the deadline.
Unfortunately, no. Once you begin the installment plan you forfeit the ability to take the 2% discount.
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